C&C - E-commerce | Tesla Cases


A customized, end-to-end e-commerce solution.


A C&C - Home and Construction is part of the Alfa Financial Conglomerate and is the largest company in Brazil in the retail sector of construction, renovation and decoration products.

Image about the project

The project

When C&C first approached Tesla in 2010, it needed a complete solution for your e-commerce, with a high level of customization to meet the company's specific business rules and integrations.

After a mapping and specification work, Tesla developed a bespoke platform for C&C, based on the TCM framework.

All administration of the contents and images of the over 60.000 SKU's sold in the store It is carried out by Tesla's platform, which integrates with C&C's legacy systems for order placement, credit analysis and payment.

Over the years, the platform has gone through 2 UX/Design facelifts and 2 code/framework updates. In addition, several new features were implemented such as sales of services, company channel, kiosk module, marketplace, affiliate system, withdraw store, among others.

Currently, the C&C team has a Tesla's dedicated team, acting as a true business and technology partner.


The data provided will be used exclusively for contacting our team and will be treated in accordance with the guidelines of the LGPD, as per our privacy policy and terms of use.