CCR Sites Airports | Tesla cases

CCR Airports websites

Tesla develops a platform to house the websites of 16 airports operated by the group.


CCR Aeroportos is one of the divisions of the CCR Group and has in its portfolio 20 airports in the world that handle around 40 million passengers per year, according to 2019 data.

The company has in its portfolio 15 airports conquered in the 6th Round of Concessions of the Federal Government, held in April 2021. They are: Curitiba (PR), Foz do Iguaçu (PR), Londrina (PR), Bacacheri (PR), Navegantes (SC), Joinville (SC), Pelotas (RS), Uruguaiana (RS), Bagé (RS), Goiânia (GO), Palmas (TO), Teresina (PI), São Luís (MA), Imperatriz (MA) and Petrolina (PE), in addition to Pampulha Airport, in Belo Horizonte (MG), won in a new concession in October 2021.

Image about the project


If planning the launch of an airport website is challenging enough, what about 16 airports in practically the same period? That's what Tesla did.

The main challenge of the project was to create a navigation structure that would house both the corporate content of CCR Aeroportos and the specific information of each airport, showing the website visitor the greatness of the company and presenting the information through an easily accessible communication. .

Tesla was responsible for the entire project, from UX Design, production and content adaptation to development and implementation. As a CMS platform, the portal uses TCM (Tesla Content Management), which gives CCR Aeroportos wide autonomy to manage the sites.


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